Sexual Tension @ the Pool
Author - Me, Dave 'Speedo' Evans
Last Tuesday afternoon, I posted on my blog (and Twitter and the Speedo Forum) asking if anyone reading had been at their local pool earlier in the day, wearing a pair of Budgy Smuggler speedos like these:

I asked because there had been a guy at the pool, in the lane next to me, and there was some sexual energy between us. Unfortunately, in the lane next to me on the other side, was an older female friend of mine so I had to play it cool and wasn’t able to act, explore or even show any real interest in the mystery swimmer next to me.
Alas, there was no reply to my online inquiries. That would have made things really simple and far less intimidating than trying to discover if a very straight acting/looking guy might not be so straight deep down. So the next day, at the same time, I went back to the pool, my female friend wouldn’t be there to cock block me this time and I would find out for sure.
Before I get to that, let me start at the beginning.
This is the first week that the schools have been back in after holidays. Why that is important? During the final school term of the year, the local high school uses the lap pool that I swim at. It is a total pain in the ass because they take over most of the pool. There is a time window in the afternoon when the school has left, but before the afternoon swimming lessons begin. So Tuesday, I arrived at the pool just before three o’clock and I had timed it perfectly. The school group was just leaving, there was lots of spare lanes and I had an hour before the afternoon chaos would begin.
I made my way to the shallow end of the pool (which has a little shade), put down my backpack and started to strip down to my swimming attire, a pair of red AussieBum speedos.
Pretty much completely naked (maybe that is why I love speedos so much), I turned around towards the pool and caught this guy checking me out. He had just arrived and was walking up the other end of the pool still fully dressed. We caught each others eye and he looked down, I think I caught him perving.
My mind was ticking, and it was then that someone right in front of me, called out my name. I looked down and there was my neighbors wife (who is also my neighbor). It startled me and I muttered something about not recognizing her in a swimming cap and goggles. I jumped in the pool in the lane next to her, had a quick chat and started my routine.
On my third lap, as I tumble turned at the deep end of the pool, I got a glimpse of a guy in the lane next to me and he was wearing a pair of Budgy Smuggler speedos. I only got a glance but I was sure it was the guy I caught checking me out a little earlier. Two more lengths of the pool and just after my tumble turn I breathed on my right side and the guy was swimming right next to me. I got more than just a glance and soaked it all in. He was tanned, pretty fit, dirty blonde hair, not shoulder length but not cut too short and he had more of a board short tan on his legs. We swam side by side for two hundred and fifty meters. He was a little less than a body length quicker than me per length but my turns were quicker and I made up that distance, or maybe he was letting me make up that distance.
This was no coincidence so maybe he was letting me make up the distance.
I’m not a quick swimmer, I enjoy longer distances so usually my swimming mates are much quicker than I am. So I’m leaning towards this mystery swimmer setting his pace intentionally. The other thing to keep in mind, he could have started his laps at any time, he was in the pool while I swam at least two lengths and decided to start right when I was at his end.
Do you guys think this was a coincidence?
He pulled up for a rest after two hundred and fifty meters and he stopped at the shallow end (my end so really 275m). I considered stopping and getting a introduction but when I approached the shallow end, I could see my neighbour was up that end as well. She would have wanted a chat so I just kept to my routine, which is a fifteen hundred meter warm up.
The mystery swimmer would get back doing some laps for a short stretch but we didn’t end up swimming side by side again.
Finishing by set, I stopped at the shallow end and sucked in some deep breaths. My neighbor had finished and was getting out of the pool and we had a little chat. When I turned my attention back to the pool, I was just in time to catch the mystery swimmer getting out of the pool. I got a great look at his butt and his speedos were a little loose and I even caught a glimpse of some butt crack. His shoulders looked strong and of course, his butt looked tastey.
I figured that was him for the day so I got back to my routine. I spent the next twenty minutes doing some sprints, breast stroke, kicking on my back and some deep breath exercises. This is why I love having the pool to myself, I can do these kind of exercises and not worry about anyone else who is sharing the lane. Total time of just under one hour and I jumped out of the pool as the start of the swimming lesson people were entering the complex. Perfect timing.
Towel wrapped around my waist, t-shirt on, I started walking out and was chatting to one of the pool staff that I know. We were walking past one of the secondary pools and right there was the mystery swimmer. The water he was in, was thigh deep and he had on of his legs up out of the pool doing some stretches and I got an awesome view of his package in those speedos of his. This time he caught me checking him out
Fifteen minutes later, I’m back home and I post on my blog, and everywhere else I can think of, trying to see if this mystery guy might be floating about the speedo fetish online universe.
By nine o’clock that night, having had no reply I finally succumbed and jerked off thinking about being on my knees with the mystery guys cock in my mouth.
My instinct that there was some sexual tension between the mystery guy and I wasn’t unfounded. The next day, Wednesday, I was back at the pool, just before three o’clock.
Entering the pool area, there was the mystery guy sitting on the edge of the pool at my end, the shallow end and he was wearing a pair of red AussieBum speedos, exact same as I was wearing the day before (don’t be surprised, I run speedo fetish websites so I can spot an AussieBum speedo, and its little red tag on the waist, from a mile away).
I had put some thought in to my choice of speedo as well, I was wearing a pair of ADDICTED speedos, the same ones I am wearing in my profile photos on my website as well as my Grindr profile. They are colourful, without being over the top in your face gay.
Here are some pics of me wearing those speedos:

There was no doubt in my mind now that this guy was interested.
I stripped down to my speedo and walked towards the lane next to the red speedo guy and jumped in. He definitely wanted to engage with me and I said g’day. He seemed like he had been thinking about this introduction so I let him run with it.
He started by saying he noticed me yesterday and asked if I swim here often. All very normal conversation between two strangers in a pool, wearing very very little.
The mystery guy introduced himself as Matt and we shook hands.
He really is fucking hot. Broad shoulders, big smile, touch shorter than me and nice flat stomach. Both standing there at the shallow end the water was just a touch above cock level.
Matt said that he liked my speedos and asked what brand they were. I replied and then told him that he was wearing the same red AussieBum’s I was wearing the day before. Matt’s reply was that I know my speedos, if he only knew just how big a part of my life speedos are.
That is when the conversation went from two swimmers, to two potential fuck buddies. I was/am impressed with Matt’s forwardness considering I don’t think I had thrown out any gay vibes. He then said,
“Dave, I don’t know about you but I just get super horny when wearing speedos,”
I bet you he had been thinking about using that line, and it was the perfect opening. I agreed that wearing a speedo makes me super horny as well and I said that I usually finish my swim having to jerk off in the showers.
“Maybe you’d like to join me Matt?”
With that, I was the mystery guy and pushed off against the wall and began my training session, before he could reply.\
My cock was starting to stir so I had to do something, if I had stayed for Matt’s response, I would have been swimming with a cock rudder. A few lengths later my cock had subsided but my mind was running.
Over the next half hour I noticed Matt in the lane next to me so I figured that was a good sign that I hadn’t scared him off. Towards the end of my warm up freestyle 1,500m I noticed Matt was gone. I figured he had just gone to the shallow pool to stretch as I had seen him do the day before. Which turned out to be correct.
With my routine finished, I bumped out of the pool and immediately saw Matt, and he saw me.
Wrapping a towel around my waist, I grabbed my backpack and headed towards the change rooms. I was playing it cool but when I walked past the shallow pool, I looked at Matt and gave him a wink, he smiled back.
In the change rooms, I dropped my pack and headed to the shower cubicles. There was nobody in there and I entered the shower stall at the far end in the corner. I hung up my towel, turned on the water and I was already starting to get turned on. Matt joined me, a discrete two minutes later and by then I was rock hard. When Matt entered the shower stall he was at half mast, but thirty seconds later, he was fully hard as well.
Matt tried some small talk, mentioning that I really do get horny in speedos, but I grabbed him and we started making out.